
Health Coaching

Our coaching program includes 3 Nutrition packages -Basic, Premium, and Advanced depending on how much support is needed. 

It is not one plan that fits all.

Basic is a 28-day nutrition program that is designed to give you an overview of what is Mindful Nutrition.
  • It comes with weekly meal planners, grocery lists, recipe guides, accountability and a progress-tracking guide to help you start.
  • There will be 3x weekly 30mins coaching calls on how to apply mindful eating into practice.
  • Valid for 28 days
Premium Nutrition package runs in phases for 8 weeks and in individual settings.

It is designed for someone who needs more support and is particularly struggling with disordered eating, emotional eating, sugar cravings, body-image issues, dysfunctional blood sugars, wrecked metabolism, Insulin resistance etc.
  • During phase one the program works the same as Basic, but it additionally comes packed with a personalised health plan, with weekly follow-ups.
  • In phase two a movement program is included that runs parallel to the nutrition program.
  • As the program advances into the last phase the clients are taught how to craft and build their meals with supporting resources to make them more independent of the program as they phase out of the plan.
  • Valid for 8 weeks

Advanced Nutrition package runs in more depth which is condition-specific as in 

metabolic disorders like PCOS/PCOD/PMDD/Thyroid/T2D

hormonal weight gain like

It is individualised from day 1 of the joining and includes mineral testing and hormone testing where essential.

This mainly lays more focus on nutrition and less on weight loss but with a balanced approach balanced body composition comes as a bonus. 

It operates differently from Basic & Premium. 

It is designed by keeping the whole person in perspective- physical, emotional and behavioural.
  • Individual Meal Planners are still provided on this plan that can be customised for the other family members.
  • Supplementation support where needed specifically will be provided.
  • Nutrition coaching will be offered privately through Zoom sessions weekly.
  • Accountability and one-to-one support are at the heart of this program.
  • Valid for 12 weeks

What are the Costs?

As much as I hate to put a price on my program as I do not want my coaching and your health to be seen as a cost, I have kept the costs at a bare minimum so every woman can avail of this program and not see it as cost- prohibitively expensive. 

It is an investment in YOU and there should be no price tag for health! 

But, nothing that is ever provided free has any return, remember your Starbucks or one hair salon visit? How much do you spend?

So, the real question is "How much do you value yourself and what is the cost of not investing in your health?"

Please give me a call to discuss the payment options further.

Please Note that prices change with offers and time. So, invest timely!

In a nutshell, these nutrition programs provide science-backed knowledge and evidence-based tools to support you to nourish your body and lose weight without following the diet culture, without having to restrict or count calories.

